Writing Conferences: The List

We promised to talk about writing conferences and here it is. Typically a really professional conference has a good ROI for indie and traditionally published authors. The information feast and networking is important no matter which career route you take. But finding the right conference can be overwhelming in terms of concerns over time, fuel, and cash investment. Because advancing your publishing career in any way takes serious time and effort, we’ve decided to save you a lot of legwork on this one.


Today’s blog is a list of done-for-you resources to grow your career—whether for finding agents, editors, publishers, writing partners, ghostwriters, critique partners, people with promotion secrets, or anyone else who can help your writing career take off.

Writers’ conferences are a career must  for most writers. We can’t recommend them enough. They provide:

  • Premier opportunities for you to meet agents and editors (who are far more likely to give your manuscript a chance after having met you).
  • Chances to network with and learn from other authors—who can introduce you to their agents or publishers; help you get farther along the publishing path by sharing their experiences; or who can even end up being part of that much-needed support and/or critique group.
  • Help getting a grip on how the publishing industry works and what’s most likely to sell (or how to make your own story more marketable if it’s already written).
  • Insights on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing.
  • Great classes and panels that can help improve your craft.
  • A reminder about why you’re excited about writing!

The conferences listed below are obviously just a sampling of what’s out there. Many are sponsored by national organizations and “tour” different cities annually, and some are annual conferences held locally. If you can’t find a conference for your genre (categorized by genre/type), simply do an Internet search to see what you can find—though most conferences have classes that will help improve your craft and industry savvy no matter your genre.

General Writing/Publishing

Writing Day Workshops

League of Utah Writers Conference

American Night Writers Association (ANWA) Writers Conference

Latter-day Saint Publishing and Media Association (LDSPMA)

Storymakers Conference

Book Expo America

Writers Digest Annual Conference

YAL Summit


Superstars Writing Seminars

Pikes Peak Writers Conference

Colorado Gold Writers Conference

Timpanogos Storytelling Conference

Inspired Writer Retreats with Bridget Cook Burch


Nonfiction Writers Conference

Business Aspects of Writing and Publishing

Superstars Writing Seminars

Book Ninja Summit 

20 Books Vegas  (20 Books to 50K)

Especially for Editors



International Thriller Writer’s Conference “ThrillerFest


Romance Writers of America Conferences


Writing and Illustrating For Young Readers Conference (WIFYR) 

BYU Symposium on Books for Young Readers

Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators Conference (SCBWI)


FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention

Life, the Universe, & Everything Writer’s Conference —“LTUE”


Worldcon (More fan-based because it usually hosts the Hugo Awards. But there are many good panels and most major science fiction/fantasy publishing houses attend)

Dragon Con (Largest sci-fi/fantasy multimedia and pop culture convention; includes gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film)

World Fantasy Convention

Flights of Foundry



Bouchercon World Mystery Convention

Local History, Religious, and Academic Writing and Networking

Family History and Genealogy Conference

BYU Campus Education Week

For the Love of Reading—UVU Forum on Engaged Reading

Sidney B. Sperry Symposium (religious education/academic)

BYU Church History Symposium (religious/academic

BYU Women’s Conference

One More Tip

Local libraries also host writers or publishing panels (publishers, editors, etc.), so add a few of those to your own list of resources. And if you live on a raft in the middle of the ocean and can’t get anywhere, there are writing and publishing blogs aplenty (which you obviously have access to if you’re reading this post)!



Chime in! We know there are a lot of fantasy/sci-fi options above, but speculative fiction is really big right now, so that’s our excuse. If you think we’ve left a genre underrepresented or ignored a critical conference, tells us your most favorite conference and why. Please share!

Awesome resources are at your fingertips.


  1. Melissa

    Thanks so much for sharing this list, Angela. I have been looking into conferences lately in an attempt to expand my horizons a little bit 🙂

  2. Sabine Berlin

    I love Writing for Charity and LTUE. Both are inexpensive and have a great atmosphere about them! I went to WorldCon a few years ago and would love to go again! Hmmmmmm maybe London 2014? No matter what, conferences are great! Thanks for the list.

  3. Debra Erfert

    Wow, I had no idea that there were so many conferences. Thanks for the list!

  4. Kenny B Smith

    Fyrecon is also held in June and is for SciFi and Fantasy creators. It has master classes and a slate of classes that come with general admission. Here is the link – http://www.fyrecon.com

    • Lindsay Flanagan

      Thanks, Kenny! We added it to the post. It’s on our events page, so I’m glad you noted it wasn’t here. Nice catch!


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