Magnify your efforts with expert editing that can polish your work and shave years off your learning curve.
Don’t send your
hard work to a publisher without the advantage of professional editing.
We won’t pretend making it as a writer doesn’t take a lot of effort, but even a little insider insight can save you time and alleviate frustration. You’ve made it this far—let us help take you the rest of the way. Whether you’re looking for developmental, line, or copyediting, ghostwriting, sensitivity or beta readers, or help with screenplays, poetry, or agent materials (or even language translation), you and your work are safe in the hands of our experienced, professional team.
Don’t know which service you need? Just reach out!
Developmental and Substantive Editing
You know you need reader-grabbing content to stand out in today’s market. Content editing can help you determine how close you are and help you close the gap. Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction, film scripts, or poetry, we have options for:
- Partial manuscripts
- Early drafts
- Publication-ready material
Don’t send your book out there without making sure your content is solid!
Plot Consultations and Brainstorming Help
Learn how to build a story arc that keeps readers turning pages (or fix one that’s not working). Includes mentoring sessions tailored to your unique story. Time to whip your novel into shape and nail down a marketable plot!
Developmental Evaluations and Beta Reader Services
From your hook to your ending, get the feedback (via a written report) that will help ensure your work grabs readers, keeps their interest throughout, and nails it with a satisfying wrap-up. (Plus an option for market testing your kidlit with our savvy youth readers!)
Substantive/Comprehensive Editing
Page-by-page feedback (Track Changes and comments right on the page), suggestions, and edits for solving your manuscript problems, cutting your word count (where needed), and taking your book from good to great! This service is best for previously revised drafts that are nearly ready for publication or agent submission. Prose refinement (for well-executed ideas and narrative pacing) is often part of this editing stage. This service also includes phone time with your editor to brainstorm solutions and discuss marketing angles.
Pricing for developmental and substantive editing:
$100–$3500 (average price range; each project varies in scope)
Contact us for a quote on your project.
I could not have received better advice. In terms of what I paid and what I received, I feel as though I stole from you! Your … guidance and recommendations helped me in ways I can’t count but have forever changed my writing for the better.
John Cullen, Author
When life’s demands don’t allow you to do all of the writing yourself, you can still share your powerful work with the world by using a ghostwriter. We can partner with you to finish your book or we can write the project from scratch.
Contact us to get a bid for your ghostwriting project.
They have been very helpful in the editing process. They are kind yet forthright in their expert assistance. Four of my books they’ve worked on have been accepted for publication and the publisher is reviewing several more. Thank you, Eschler Editing!
Ed Pinegar, Author, Speaker
Copyediting and Proofreading
Copyediting and Proofreading
Where developmental and substantive edits focus on big-picture issues, copyediting dives deep into the actual prose, considering every sentence, every word, and every bit of punctuation so you can feel confident stepping into the publishing world. In addition to grammar, punctuation, and spelling, we clarify confusing sentences, tighten wordy prose, smooth awkward transitions, and make sure point of view stays consistent—all while maintaining your voice and style. A copyeditor will often make between ten to twenty thousand adjustments based on authoritative style and grammar/usage guides—and that’s after content editing. Don’t get caught with your typos showing!
Pricing for copyediting or proofreading services:
$100–$2,400 (average price range; each project varies in scope)
Contact us to get a copyediting or proofreading quote for your project.
Eschler Editing is amazing! I hired them to do the final edits on my book . . . and I am thrilled with the quality of their work. [My editor] was knowledgeable, attentive, personable, and very professional. Angela and her team are excellent to work with, and I highly recommend their services.
Vikki Carrel, Author, Speaker
Query and Agent Services
Your query letter and proposal are often the first impression of your writing. They can hook a publisher or agent and make them believe in your writing, your story, and you. Grab the attention of busy agents or publishers the first time around (and avoid the infamous “thanks, but no thanks” automated response) with the acquisition materials publishing professionals are looking for.
Pricing for queries, pitches, synopses, and proposals:
$189–$799 (proposals may be more, depending on the work needed)
Contact us for a customized pricing sheet.
The fine print: Please note that should you hire our agents as editors/coaches, you will not be able to submit to them as a prospective agent representing your work. You are, however, welcome to query other agents at their respective agencies.
If you’re like me, you write in a vacuum [and] need honest opinions … to help suss out whether you have the chops. The editors at Eschler were … gracious … and thorough in [their] assessments …[giving] me the confidence to put my work out there—and I was able to secure a fantastic agent. Eschler Editing is my go-to recommendation for artists looking to get to the next level.
Seann McQuarter, Author