by Lindsay Flanagan | May 8, 2017 | Blog, Fiction How-to, Nonfiction How-to
by Annette Lyon Q. What is the best software to write with? A. USA-Today best-selling author says Scrivener for writing and Microsoft Word for editing. Writing Time-Saver and Organization Heaven Annette Lyon: I use Scrivener mostly for drafting and revision....
by Lindsay Flanagan | Nov 9, 2016 | Blog, Fiction How-to
by Emilee Newman Bowles When you talk about a novel’s setting, place usually comes to mind first. But there’s a lot more to a setting than just where it happens. Review this list to see if any of these setting elements need more work in your story (and need to have...
by Lindsay Flanagan | Oct 27, 2014 | Blog, Fiction How-to, Nonfiction How-to, Self-Publishing vs. Traditional (and How-to), Writing Life (Finding Time, Writing Groups, Getting Organized, Etc.)
by Michele Preisendorf with Angela Eschler Writers love quotes, songs, and funny or inspirational images. What word-nerd doesn’t? We tape them on our mirrors, dashboards, and walls and post them to our websites. We like them to set the tone for our novels, start our...