By Rachelle J. Christensen Want a lot of exposure for your book? How about a shot at becoming a best-selling author with massive—free!—Amazon promotion? If you’ve got a fiction book, you’d better check out Kindle Scout, where readers help decide if your writing makes...
Book Promotion/Platforms
Getting Your Book into Libraries
by Lindsay Flanagan You want to build an audience for your books, and whether you’re traditionally or self published, finding readers in this saturated market can be hard. An often overlooked way to find fans is through the library—yes, that place you (or your...
Your Book as Film: Wooing Hollywood
by Lindsay Flanagan It may seem like the majority of recent films are based on books. While it’s true that some of the biggest blockbusters in recent years are adapted from books, the ratio of all published books to those made into films is a much smaller number—it’s...
Co-Authoring: Heaven or Hell?
by Heather B. Moore Publishing and promotion—building your platform—can be a lot of work and can sometimes take much longer than you’d hoped. But there may be options for speeding that process along that you haven’t considered. Ever thought about co-authoring (or even...
Co-Authoring: Heaven or Hell?
by Heather B. Moore Publishing and promotion—building your platform—can be a lot of work and can sometimes take much longer than you’d hoped. But there may be options for speeding that process along that you haven’t considered. Ever thought about co-authoring (or even...
Short Is the New Long—5 Tips
Five Tips for Short Works That Sell by Sabine Berlin "The novella has become the Rosalind Russell of American literature, liked by all the guys but never taken out on a date.” —Gregory Feeley When I first started writing, the thinking above was still in vogue, and the...
How to Sell More Books with Kindle Unlimited
Guest Post by Penny Sansevieri We’ve heard a lot about Amazon’s big new subscription service, which is essentially a way to read books (limited to ones enrolled in this program) for one monthly fee. You’re limited to ten books at a time, so if you want more, you’ll...