Editor’s Nightstand: Resources Not to Miss

How to Self-Publish: A Checklist

by Chris Bigelow So, you’ve completed a manuscript that you feel is worthy of publication. Now it’s time to share it with the world! If you’ve decided to go the self-publishing route, below is a checklist that will help you think through the process of what’s...

Niche or National? Making Your Decision

by Kathy Gordon, guest blogger To start with, let’s be clear what we’re talking about. The national market  is just what it sounds like: a market that includes every reader in the nation. When you publish to the national market, your book could be picked up, read, and...

Top 10 Grammar Mistakes to Avoid

Okay, so these are technically grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage mistakes, but saying all that would have made for an non-catchy and possibly coma-inducing title. Nonetheless, they are some of the most frequently made mistakes editors have to face down each...
Editor’s Nightstand: Recipes for Success

Editor’s Nightstand: Recipes for Success

“An anesthesiologist has to do only one thing well: Put the patient under without killing him. But she has to know about five hundred things to do it successfully. It is the same with the writer.” —Larry Brooks, Story Physics A writer only has to do a few things well...

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Writing Conferences: The List

Writing Conferences: The List

We promised to talk about writing conferences and here it is. Typically a really professional conference has a good ROI for indie and traditionally published authors. The information feast and networking is important no matter which career route you take. But finding...

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Editor’s Nightstand: Leave Your Cave

Editor’s Nightstand: Leave Your Cave

Leave Your Cave: Amazing Breakthrough Resources You Should Know About Editor’s Nightstand Intro By Catherine Langford   In Plato’s Republic— Yes, we’re getting a little literary here, but what kind of editor doesn’t occasionally call upon the “the cannon”...

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