By Elana Johnson The word synopsis brings almost any writer to his or her knees. What does the agent or editor want, exactly? A few simple tips can take the mystery—and the pain—out of writing a synopsis. It’s really hard to think of your creative work in a business...
Getting an Agent (Why, When, If & How)
How to Write a Book Proposal
By Kate Willoughby You’ve written your book. You’ve sent it out to dozens of test readers. You’ve revised it what seems like a thousand times. For all intents and purposes, it’s finished. You’re ready to see your title splashed across the most popular websites and...
Pitching to Agents
by Elana Johnson As a pitch and query editor at Eschler Editing, I know that in-person pitching can inspire fear in the most stoic of individuals (even more than writing queries)! If pitching to an agent or editor gives you the heebie-jeebies, take comfort that you’re...
Look Rejection in the Eye and Keep on Going
by Sabine Berlin I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. —Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights Magleby’s chocolate cake. Starbucks Italian cream sodas. Sailor Moon. What do these three things have in common? They are my rejection...
Editor’s Nightstand: Recipes for Success
“An anesthesiologist has to do only one thing well: Put the patient under without killing him. But she has to know about five hundred things to do it successfully. It is the same with the writer.” —Larry Brooks, Story Physics A writer only has to do a few things well...
How to Find an Agent
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are... By Sabine Berlin Last week we looked at why an agent is an important resource for the serious writer. Now let’s get down to the business of finding that agent. Great-Aunt Patsy may have a bridge partner who loves to read, but...
Why You Need an Agent
By Sabine Berlin The End. Two of the most satisfying words an author can write. Unfortunately, they are a big lie. You may be done with the daunting task of writing and editing—which really is a colossal step, so go ahead and give yourself permission to indulge in...